March "Meet & Greet" - Pender County
Hello Pender County!
Since we have had several questions on the purpose of the two monthly meetings scheduled for this week, I wanted to take a minute to help clarify that purpose & intent.
I would like the opportunity to speak to you and to meet as many new faces as possible. The two meetings for this week were set up to help accommodate this.
Neither the Hampstead meeting (Tomorrow, 3/23 at Olde Point Country Club), nor the Burgaw meeting (Wednesday, 3/24 at Bandana’s family Restaurant) will be official meetings. Meaning we will not be approving prior minutes, accepting treasurer’s report or introducing/voting on any items.
These two events should be viewed more as a “Meet & Greet” for both myself and our residents. There were new participants and some new interest at the past convention and I wanted to make sure we continue building on this.
Our formal monthly meetings will resume in April and we will continue the current schedule when possible, meeting the third Tuesday of each month. We will have additional information on April’s meeting to you soon.
For our “Meet & Greet” this week, we will also have a couple of our Commissioners present for our Tuesday meeting (and possibly Wednesday) and they will take a few minutes to provide us with a status and updates.
Although not “official”, I hope you are able to attend one of our “Meet & Greet” events this week and help build the momentum for the work ahead!
Dinner will be available for purchase at both meetings (6pm @ Olde Point, 5:30pm @ Bandana’s)
To help the venues prepare, you can rsvp via our website ( or through the Facebook event links below. - RSVP FOR OLDE POINT 3/23 - RSVP FOR BANDANA'S 3/24
Thank you,
Joshua Smith
Pender County GOP Chairman