County Commissioner Nominee - District 2

We are less than 60 days away from the start of "Absentee Mail-in" voting for our November Elections. The Pender County Republican Party needs to finalize our candidates for the 2024 November ballot.

On May 21, 2024, the Pender County Executive Committee met and nominated Randy Burton to fill the vacated District 2 County Commissioner seat of Wendy Fletcher-Hardee until the general election in November. 

The Executive Committee will meet again next month to nominate a candidate for the November ballot for the general election in November to complete this term (2026).  

Mr. Burton will be seeking the nomination to be placed on the ballot in November to complete this term.

If there are any additional District 2 residents wishing to be considered for the nomination of District 2 County Commissioner, please advise the Pender County Republican Party of your intent.

To be considered for this nomination, please email us your notice, along with your resume to [email protected].

Resumes must be received on or before August 5th.

Lynn Norwood, Pender County GOP Secretary, will confirm receipt of resume within 24 hours. If you do not receive confirmation, it is your responsibility to contact the Pender County GOP at [email protected] for confirmation.

To be considered for our District 2 County Commissioner nomination, you must be a registered Republican residing in District 2.

Below is our Pender County Board of Commissioners District map.


Please contact the Pender County GOP for additional information at [email protected]